Ronnie, a young Bengal cat, had a close encounter with the low-flying TV kind and presented to us on Friday 13th
Bengals are really beautiful cats, but they are usually adventurous and feisty – they look and act like small leopards. Not the ideal orthopaedic patient!
Ronnie had suffered a humerus fracture and came to us at via the PDSA. The fracture was tricky to fix as there was not very much bone stock available to implants in the distal (lower) fragment, and the bone was comminuted (shattered into several pieces).
We fixed it with a combination of a pin down the centre of the bone, an external fixator involving two pins, and a locking plate with two locking screws. We were delighted with the fixation, and Ronnie was discharged for cage confinement at home. The prognosis is pretty good with proper aftercare.
15th November 2015