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A 10-year-old Labrador retriever presented to us at West Midlands Referrals with a bone cancer involving the bone of the upper jaw at the back of the mouth.
Zelda, an 8-year-old Bull Terrier, presented to us at West Midlands Referrals with a history of sneezing, bleeding from her right nostril, and the owner had seen pieces of what she took to be bits of body tissue sneezed out.
Storm, a 9-year-old Springer, presented to us at West Midlands Referrals with fibrosarcoma of the mandible (lower jaw). This was treated with a radical rostral (front end) mandibulectomy.
Toby presented to us at West Midlands Referrals with a firm mass on his skull. This was biopsied and was thought to be an osteoma, a benign bone tumour. We carefully burred around it and removed it with a narrow margin of normal skull.
Daisy presented to us at West Midlands Referrals with intermittent choking and coughing.
Alfie, an 11 year old dog, had a locally invasive but non-malignant mass on the front of his upper jaw called and ameloblastic fibroma. This was removed as a block of tissue and the nose was spared.
On in May 2018 Romeo, a 7-year-old Chihuahua, presented to us at West Midlands Referrals for left maxillectomy (radical removal of part of the upper jaw) for a plasmacytoma.
A 45 kg, 10-year-old crossbred dog presented to us at West Midlands Referrals for CT chest/neck and surgical removal of a well-defined mass between the left carotid artery and the trachea. Our colleague Mayra had recently scanned him.